Talking About Air Ventilation Systems

Do You Need A Furnace Tune-Up? Find Out

Retreating indoors to find that your furnace has ceased functioning can be disgruntling, especially during winter. Although your furnace has a projected service life, it needs regular tune-ups by an expert to sustain its operational efficiency. Additionally, the heating technician will address wear and tear issues before they can cripple the system's operation. For these reasons, it is imperative that you contact an HVAC maintenance technician to service your unit and ensure optimal functionality. Below are signs that you need a furnace tune-up.

Reduction In the Comfort Level of Your Home

Your furnace is due for a tune-up if it cannot sustain a comfortable home temperature. This issue could be due to clogged air filters, which impede airflow and cause weak hot air distribution from the vents. Holes in your ductwork may also be leaking hot air, causing inconsistent temperatures across your house. On the other hand, a defective thermostat may cause inaccurately detected temperatures, leading to premature cycles. As such, the furnace will short cycle and not attain the set temperature, creating an uncomfortable ambiance.

Dust Build-Up

If you notice that your home is dustier than usual, you need to schedule a furnace tune-up. The underlying problem may be dirty filters, causing debris to bypass and collect around the vents. Furthermore, leaky ducts may draw dust from the unconditioned spaces in your house and force it into the air circulation. Thus, you need to hire a heating repair expert to clean or replace your air filters. If the filtration system is inadequate, the contractor will likely supplement it with air purifiers for better indoor air quality. They will also clean and seal the ducts to reduce dust and prevent energy loss.

Unpleasant Smells

Even though you may expect a faint smell of burnt fuel, it should not linger. Accordingly, if you notice a pungent smell while your furnace operates, it could be due for servicing. An odor of rotten eggs indicates a leak in the gas line, possibly due to loose fittings or age-related deterioration. Moreover, you may notice a musty smell if water has seeped into the furnace and created a favorable environment for mold to thrive. Since these unpleasant smells indicate a malfunction, it is important to hire a furnace specialist to remedy them.

Unusual Noises

You may hear relatively low noises when the furnace is operating, e.g., crackling when metal components are cooling down. However, your system could be defective if these noises escalate and become disruptive. For instance, your furnace may emit humming noises if it develops an electrical malfunction. You might also hear screeching noises signifying that the blower wheel is deteriorating, causing metal surfaces to scrape against each other.

A furnace tune-up enables the system to operate efficiently, preserving its lifespan. Reach out to an HVAC maintenance technician to maintain your system.
