Indoor Air Quality: Keeping Your Air Healthy In Winter

During the cold winter days, you will likely find yourself inside with closed windows more often than not. Lighting the fireplace and cuddling under a blanket is the norm this time of year. Unfortunately, it is also a time in which your indoor air quality can decrease. In order to keep your home healthy and full of fresh air, consider the following solutions: Monitor the Weather One of the easiest and best ways to improve your indoor air quality during the winter months is opening your windows. [Read More]

6 Tips For Maintaining A Restaurant Walk-In Cooler Or Freezer

When you own a restaurant, refrigeration is vital for keeping your perishables at the proper temperature in order to prevent food-borne illnesses. Failure to care for you refrigerated units, such as the walk-in cooler and freezer, can result in loss of inventory and expensive repair costs. Use the following tips to ensure that your restaurant's refrigeration operates properly: Choose the Installer Carefully Refrigerated units themselves are expensive, and the installation of the refrigeration components is essential for maintaining air temperature day and night. [Read More]

HVAC Cleaning To Make Your Heating Efficient For The Winter Months

The winter months are here, and you need to ensure your heating is working properly. This means that there is maintenance to do, as well as some improvements that you may want to get to before it gets cold outside. Cleaning the furnace and ducts is a simple task that will give your home clean air and improve the efficiency of your HVAC. Here are some of the winter cleaning tasks that you will want to have done to your heating and cooling this winter: [Read More]

5 Common Furnace Problems

Many people don't spend a lot of time thinking about their home's furnace until it starts having problems. Luckily, many common furnace issues can be repaired if caught early, so you probably won't have to completely replace your unit. Continue reading to learn about some of the most common furnace problems. Thermostat Malfunctioning A furnace relies on its thermostat to sense the temperature in a room so the furnace runs properly in order to heat the area to the set temperature. [Read More]